3 ways to get leverage to haul yourself out of a rut

3 Ways to Get the Leverage You Need to Haul Yourself Out of a Rut

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It happens to the best of us, Reader. There are times when we get in a rut. We start settling, and moving through our days on autopilot.

But just because it's "normal" and happens to us all, that doesn't mean we have to accept it ... or stay in that rut!

Angelia Trinidad, CEO and founder of Passion Planner, has some good tips for getting out of a rut. Watch the video above for her full ideas. But here they are in a nutshell, along with my two cents added in ;) ...

  1. Do One Thing Consistently that Makes You Feel Better

    This can be a small thing like making your bed first thing each morning. Maybe something to move your body like taking a walk or practicing yoga. Perhaps it's journaling or sending a "thinking of you" card.

    It doesn't even have to be a daily thing, although it can be. The benefit comes from consistently doing something that is good for you - your body, your brain, your overall well-being - not how "big" that thing is. Think a series of small acts of kindness rather than one grand gesture.
  2. Get Reinspired with a "Passion Roadmap" and Vision

    This works because it activates your brain with a specific goal.

    Here's the link to download the Passion Planner Passion Roadmap for free, compliments of Angelia: https://passionplanner.com/products/passion-roadmap

    By the way, Angelia Trinidad's Passion Planner story is pretty inspiring in and of itself. Click here to learn more about her and her company.
  3. Write a Future Gratitude Letter to Yourself

    I LOVE this one! What a way to manifest what you want to come about in your life!

    This one works because it gets your feelings involved. We know that gratitude is powerful. But gratitude in advance? Wow!

    Since today is September 1, why not try this and write a future gratitude letter for all that you achieve and accomplish in September? (You can do this whatever day you happen to be reading this. You do NOT have to wait until the first of the month!)

These tips are good practices to continue even when you've gotten yourself out of the rut! Make habits out of them, and you might find yourself staying out of ruts altogether!

As always, I'd love to know what you think of this week's newsletter. Post your thoughts on social and tag me (@coachmichelepeterson), or simply reply to this email!

Thank you. I appreciate you!


Now for more good stuff ...

Interesting Reads ...

WFH Tip: Enjoy the perks of working from home! Whether that's working in your pjs (or bathing suit), taking float breaks (floating in the pool in said bathing suit), or spending quality time with your 4-legged best friend(s) ... embrace those perks! Don't take them for granted or minimize them. Instead, celebrate them. Find your joy in them.

Badass Affirmation of the Week

I am successful.

I am worthy.

I respect myself.

Say it. Believe it. Be it. YOU GOT THIS!

From the book Badass Affirmations by Becca Anderson

I hope you enjoyed this week's newsletter. Thank you for linking arms and being part of my working from home tribe!

I'll be back next week with more tips, inspiration, and other fun stuff to empower your WFH success. Until then, have a beautiful week!


P.S. It's my goal to inspire you and remind you of your greatness as we navigate WFH life together. If you loved this week's newsletter, please feel free to forward it to your friends!

And if you haven't already joined our Work From Home Winners Club private Facebook group, click here to do so now! We'd love for you to be part of the community we're building there.

September 1, 2024 | Coach Michele Peterson

Coach Michele Peterson

Get my best tips and insights on productivity, connection, and confidence ... learned from over a decade of successfully working from home. Because long-term WFH is a CHOICE, not just a response to Covid. And if you're going to do something, you should do it right. Activate your free subscription to the Win WFH Weekly Dispatch by entering your email address below.

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