
Coach Michele Peterson

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Parking lot or onramp? Where is your Q4 headed?

Want even more confidence and better productivity? The WIN Working From Home online course was created just for you! Click here to learn more. Will Your Q4 End in a Parking Lot or On an Onramp? As we enter Q4, Reader, it’s easy to treat this time of year like a parking lot — a place to coast, take a break, and wind down. But here's the thing: how you approach Q4 can either set you up for a slow "start from zero" January or give you the momentum you need to hit the ground running at full...

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Want even more confidence and better productivity? The WIN Working From Home online course was created just for you! Click here to learn more. Find Your Work-Life Balance Sweet Spot by Sharpening Your Ax If the link to play the video above isn't working, click here to watch. Where do you fall on the spectrum of working "after hours," Reader? Are you Type A: very strict about not touching work after you walk away for the day, and never on a weekend? Or are you Type B: no boundaries about when...

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Want even more confidence and better productivity? The WIN Working From Home online course was created just for you! Click here to learn more. Is Your IQ or Your EQ the Biggest Predictor of Your Success at Work and Life? If the link to play the video above isn't working, click here to watch. Have you ever had your IQ tested, Reader? I did. My mom approved it when my kindergarten teacher suggested that I get tested. I don't know my number, but it was high enough to get me into the supplemental...

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Want even more confidence and better productivity? The WIN Working From Home online course was created just for you! Click here to learn more. Athletes Take Control of Their Confidence before Competing ... and You Can, Too If the link to play the video above isn't working, click here to watch. Reader, there are lots of life lessons we can take away from sports. I saw this over and over again during my 13 years as a baseball mom. Yep, my son played baseball from t-ball at 4 years old all the...

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Want even more confidence and better productivity? The WIN Working From Home online course was created just for you! Click here to learn more. 3 Ways to Get the Leverage You Need to Haul Yourself Out of a Rut If the link to play the video above isn't working, click here to watch. It happens to the best of us, Reader. There are times when we get in a rut. We start settling, and moving through our days on autopilot. But just because it's "normal" and happens to us all, that doesn't mean we have...

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Want even more confidence and better productivity? The WIN Working From Home online course was created just for you! Click here to learn more. Science Says Reading Before Bed is Good for You! If the link to play the video above isn't working, click here to watch. Reader, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone that claims reading is a bad thing. Especially not me. From a very early age, I've loved reading. So videos like the one I'm sharing with you today feel validating in a very personal way....

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Want even more confidence and better productivity? The WIN Working From Home online course was created just for you! Click here to learn more. Even GOATs Experience BOTH the Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat If the link to play the video above isn't working, click here to watch. Reader, for the 17 days from July 26 through August 11, I was captivated by sports I usually don't care anything about. I watched archery, kayaking, rowing, swimming, diving, running, rugby, volleyball,...

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Want even more confidence and better productivity? The WIN Working From Home online course was created just for you! Click here to learn more. The Surprising Benefits of Being Lazy If the link to play the video above isn't working, click here to watch. Reader, if you're like me, you may have a negative mindset around laziness. Please, for your greater good ... Get over it! Of course, being lazy can be negative if it means you neglect your responsibilities and commitments. But laziness also...

Want even more confidence and better productivity? The WIN Working From Home online course was created just for you! Click here to learn more. Stop - Start - Continue: A Mid-Year Reset to Help You Make the Most of the Rest of 2024 If the link to play the video above isn't working, click here to watch. If you're like me, Reader, your to-do list feels like it's a mile long. And while I'm pretty good at prioritizing manageable daily to-do's, I probably don't look at my not-to-do list as often as...

Want even more confidence and better productivity? The WIN Working From Home online course was created just for you! Click here to learn more. Stop-Breathe-Be Plus 3 Other Resets to Stress Less If the link to play the video above isn't working, click here to watch. Hi there, Reader! Have you restarted your phone in the last week? I know, it seems like that question is coming from way out in left field. But stick with me on this ... It's recommended that phones and other gadgets be restarted...