Stop - Start - Continue to reach your goals with this mid-year reset

Stop - Start - Continue: A Mid-Year Reset to Help You Make the Most of the Rest of 2024

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If the link to play the video above isn't working, click here to watch.

If you're like me, Reader, your to-do list feels like it's a mile long. And while I'm pretty good at prioritizing manageable daily to-do's, I probably don't look at my not-to-do list as often as I should.

You know about the not-to-do list, right?

It's similar to Rachelle's "Stop" column in today's video about the mid-year reset. You identify the behaviors that don't serve you ... that don't move you forward to achieving your goals ... so that you can stop doing them and open up your time for more productive activities.

I'm sharing the video because it's such a simple, actionable exercise to help you identify how your current behaviors / habits / actions are affecting your progress towards your goals.

  • Stop the things that don't serve your best interests or move you forward.
  • Start doing the things that will move you forward ... the things you probably know you should be doing, but aren't yet doing. At least not consistently.
  • Continue doing the things you currently are doing well and that are in your greatest good. (I love that this column is included, because it's important to recognize what you're currently doing well even as you focus on the others that you need to either stop or start.)

This exercise is so powerful because it allows you to reclaim the power of intentional action.

So much of what we do each day we do automatically, often without much conscious thought. Sometimes it's because it's habit (what we've always done). Or it's "easier" than figuring out a different way. Or it may be any number of other reasons.

But whatever the reason for settling for the status quo of our current behavior and action, we have the innate power to change what we do with our time. We have the power to choose what to focus on.

And it's critical that we're intentional about what we focus on. Because, as Tony Robbins teaches:

Where focus goes, energy flows.

Today's Stop - Start - Continue exercise helps you reset your focus so that you can intentionally direct where your energy is flowing.

I hope it helps you like it has me.

As always, I'd love to know what you think of this week's newsletter. Post your thoughts on social and tag me (@coachmichelepeterson), or simply reply to this email!

Thank you. I appreciate you!


Now for more good stuff ...

Interesting Reads ...

WFH Tip: To WIN working from home, take regular breaks away from your desk. Get up and walk to the area in your home that's farthest away from your desk. Even better, go outside! Getting away from your desk is great to keep your body moving, but it also gives your brain a quick reset.

Badass Affirmation of the Week

I am willing to compromise with my partner.

I will not allow my partner to devalue me.

I naturally shift my focus away from looks.

From the book Badass Affirmations by Becca Anderson

I hope you enjoyed this week's newsletter. Thank you for linking arms and being part of my working from home tribe!

I'll be back next week with more tips, inspiration, and other fun stuff to empower your WFH success. Until then, have a beautiful week!


P.S. It's my goal to inspire you and remind you of your greatness as we navigate WFH life together. If you loved this week's newsletter, please feel free to forward it to your friends!

And if you haven't already joined our Work From Home Winners Club private Facebook group, click here to do so now! We'd love for you to be part of the community we're building there.

July 21, 2024 | Coach Michele Peterson

Coach Michele Peterson

Get my best tips and insights on productivity, connection, and confidence ... learned from over a decade of successfully working from home. Because long-term WFH is a CHOICE, not just a response to Covid. And if you're going to do something, you should do it right. Activate your free subscription to the Win WFH Weekly Dispatch by entering your email address below.

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