IQ or EQ? Which is the biggest predictor of success?

Is Your IQ or Your EQ the Biggest Predictor of Your Success at Work and Life?

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Have you ever had your IQ tested, Reader? I did. My mom approved it when my kindergarten teacher suggested that I get tested.

I don't know my number, but it was high enough to get me into the supplemental "MGM" program at school. MGM stood for "Mentally Gifted Minors." It was the precursor to the GATE programs (Gifted and Talented Education) of today, and you had to be in the top 2% of "general mental ability" to qualify.

I guess that makes me a 2%er of sorts. ;)

I share this with you because it was always impressed upon me ... by my parents, teachers, and other authority figure adults ... that while I was clearly smart, smarts will only take you so far.

Or, in the famous words of Theodore Roosevelt ...

"Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care."

And now studies are backing that up. Especially when it comes to business.

Daniel Goldman explains more in today's video, but it comes down to this ..

You have to have Emotional Intelligence (a high EQ) in order to apply your smarts (your IQ) in a way that leads to success at work.

So, is your IQ or your EQ the biggest predictor of success? I suggest that we need a balance. However, if there's a level playing field when it comes to smarts, then emotional intelligence gives you an edge.

How would you rate YOUR emotional intelligence, your EQ?

Whatever it currently is, did you know you can "level up" and improve it?

I'm currently enrolled in advanced emotional intelligence training, equipping myself to competently teach others more about this crucial element of succeeding both at work and at life. I'll be sharing more about how I'm going to offer that through coaching and self-study programs soon.

But in the meantime, I'd really love to know how you'd rate your current EQ. Reply to this email and let me know your thoughts on this!

And, as always, I'd love to know what you think of this week's newsletter as a whole. Post your thoughts on social and tag me (@coachmichelepeterson), or simply reply to this email!

Thank you. I appreciate you!


Now for more good stuff ...

Interesting Reads ...

WFH Tip: To WIN working from home, create a "done for the day" routine. This helps improve your work-life balance and sets you up for a more productive next work day.

Badass Affirmation of the Week

I feel good about myself.

I am comfortable in my own skin.

When I look in the mirror, I see beauty.

Say it. Believe it. Be it.

From the book Badass Affirmations by Becca Anderson

I hope you enjoyed this week's newsletter. Thank you for linking arms and being part of my working from home tribe!

I'll be back next week with more tips, inspiration, and other fun stuff to empower your WFH success. Until then, have a beautiful week!


P.S. It's my goal to inspire you and remind you of your greatness as we navigate WFH life together. If you loved this week's newsletter, please feel free to forward it to your friends!

And if you haven't already joined our Work From Home Winners Club private Facebook group, click here to do so now! We'd love for you to be part of the community we're building there.

September 22, 2024 | Coach Michele Peterson

Coach Michele Peterson

Get my best tips and insights on productivity, connection, and confidence ... learned from over a decade of successfully working from home. Because long-term WFH is a CHOICE, not just a response to Covid. And if you're going to do something, you should do it right. Activate your free subscription to the Win WFH Weekly Dispatch by entering your email address below.

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