Stop-Breathe-Be plus 3 other resets to stress less ...

Stop-Breathe-Be Plus 3 Other Resets to Stress Less

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Hi there, Reader! Have you restarted your phone in the last week?

I know, it seems like that question is coming from way out in left field. But stick with me on this ...

It's recommended that phones and other gadgets be restarted once a week to keep them working as efficiently as possible. Specifically, restarting does the following:

  • Resolve glitches
  • Clear temporary memory
  • Refresh the system
  • Reset settings
  • Install updates

The natural computer between our ears also benefits from regular resets. And that's why I'm sharing today's video and the advice on resetting our brains from Dr. Aditi Nerurkar.

Watch the short video for more details, but here are her tips for resetting:

  1. Stop-Breathe-Be to ground yourself and stay in the present moment.
  2. Monotask to actually get MORE done faster.
  3. Employ the Rule of 2 to stay focused on what's most important.
  4. Set Phone to Grayscale to manage and avoid visual over-stimulation.

Resetting your brain with these simple tips will not only help you have less stress, it also will help you be more productive and ... dare I say? ... happier in your everyday life.

As always, I'd love to know what you think of this week's newsletter. Post your thoughts on social and tag me (@coachmichelepeterson), or simply reply to this email!

Thank you. I appreciate you!


Now for more good stuff ...

Interesting Reads ...

WFH Tip: Maintain regular "office hours." This helps boost your productivity AND helps you maintain a healthy balance in your work-life integration.

Badass Affirmation of the Week

Family is more than blood.

My family wants me to be happy.

I am a great working mother.

From the book Badass Affirmations by Becca Anderson

I hope you enjoyed this week's newsletter. Thank you for linking arms and being part of my working from home tribe!

I'll be back next week with more tips, inspiration, and other fun stuff to empower your WFH success. Until then, have a beautiful week!


P.S. It's my goal to inspire you and remind you of your greatness as we navigate WFH life together. If you loved this week's newsletter, please feel free to forward it to your friends!

And if you haven't already joined our Work From Home Winners Club private Facebook group, click here to do so now! We'd love for you to be part of the community we're building there.

July 14, 2024 | Coach Michele Peterson

Coach Michele Peterson

Get my best tips and insights on productivity, connection, and confidence ... learned from over a decade of successfully working from home. Because long-term WFH is a CHOICE, not just a response to Covid. And if you're going to do something, you should do it right. Activate your free subscription to the Win WFH Weekly Dispatch by entering your email address below.

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